WKO Workshop "Controlling"

On 12th of Feb. 2019 between 9:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m at wko[forum]vienna. "Guide the company correctly" a workshop with Mrs. Mag. (FH) Manuela Renner. The PrMC team members are participating.

Active Corporate Management with Controlling (selfcontrolling)

A captain and an entrepreneur have the same tasks: to navigate the ship safely through the calm sea, recognize storms in time and circumnavigate them and to know the sea the best. This workshop delivers the main features for your controlling and gives you a personal compass into your hand. No pure dry training, rather with firm practical examples you will learn …

  • what controlling really means (not "Controll"!),
  • where the demarcation to other finance departments lies,
  • how to create budgets, well: to set the course,
  • the budget-actual-analysis, well: to set the yaw,
  • customer- and product contribution margins, well: how much ship supply is left,
  • that it provides fun and even success, to convert your personal success into solid numbers.
Ready when you are.

We respond to all inquiries within 24h

Location Vienna
Deissenhofergasse 11 
1230 Wien