We pay attention, we listen carefully!
Spotting problems today, formulating clear goals for the future we develop solutions that lead you to long lasting, sustainable success in your business dealings.
prosser management consulting__
„Where advice is lacking, strategies fail...“
prosser management consulting is a sole proprietorship headquartered in Vienna, Austria, founded by Dipl. Ing. Werner Prosser on 01.12.2016.
Prosser management consulting sees itself as a contributing partner to the manufacturing industry with the goal to optimize processes, business units, projects and products with a lean organizational structure enabling the consulting teams to operate independent from each other optimizing your individual situation and results.
We develop solutions that fit your specific needs generating mutually beneficial business relationships while continuing our customers satisfaction to the utmost degree.
Spotting problems today, formulating clear goals for the future we develop solutions that lead you to long lasting, sustainable success in your business dealings.
If GOALS, the MISSION or VISION along with the CURRENT STATE are known, a road map with milestones can be developed that clearly shows WHAT is necessary to reach the goals.
Each consulting project is unique and only applicable to your specific needs. The key to your success is our customized, individual approach.